Cornell Task (三) 2016级李博:金融机构应尽早在人工智能及大数据技术领域布局

 导语:清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目的在读学生在学习期间需进行两次赴美集中学习,每次需在大洋彼岸进行2~3周充实的理论+实践课程。2016级同学们第二次的赴美学习之旅已经结束,但同学们在华尔街实践中力争上游的身影还历历在目,在课堂上受到康奈尔教授的赞扬亦犹在耳边。为了铭记这些荣耀,我们收集了赴美同学的部分优秀作业,整理出“Cornell Task”系列,干货满满,敬请期待。
  今天推出的2016级李博同学的课程作业就是关于与Wall Street Trek 课程的感想和体会,原文为英文,由学生本人翻译供稿。

图为:李博作为小组代表在Andrew Karolyi教授的课上发言Robert H. Frank合影
Student: Bo LI
Professor: Barry Ridings、Rob Symington
Course title: Wall Street Trek
Date: 5 May 2017

1、Summary of Visit to The Museum of American Finance
As one of the most important financial capitals of the world, New York City has witnessed over hundreds of years of financial market development and cultivated many renowned global financial institutions. The visit to The Museum of American Finance is a great experience to understand the American finance history. Out of the many exhibits being displayed in the museum, I reckon that “Checks & Balances: Presidents and American Finance” is truly interesting as it combines the democratic political system of America as well as the financial markets.

Five most well-known American Presidents including George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt have each interacted and dealt with the serious problems happened in the financial market such as national debt, state bonds issuance and etc. The “Checks & Balances” exhibit also introduces important Treasury Secretaries and tracks significant financial market indicators such as GDP, national deficit and presidential salary. it also revealed information of the personal finances of the five presidents, including their economic backgrounds and their own banking practices.

An interesting story regarding President George Washington was the national debt incurred during the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton, his first Secretary of the Treasury, created new financial systems that helped America repay that debt. When Washington took office, the federal government was essentially bankrupt. Federalists, like Washington and Hamilton,believed the best way to create a lasting republic was to give the central government an efficient system of tax collection and public credit. Hamilton, therefore, advocated that the federal government assume and then pay the states’ war debts. It clearly shows the importance of thefinancial market as well as the role of Treasury Secretaries in the history of the United States.
2、Reflection Paper on Wall Street Trek
It is indeed our fortunate to have the chance to learn from and interact with a number of senior leaders and professionals from various well-established financial institutions over the Wall Street Trek course. As a financial professional who has worked in the investment banking and asset management myself, I feel a lot of the topics and contents discussed very relevant to my everyday work scope. The one which leaves the most impression to me is the talk given by Mr.Andrew Chin on “Leveraging Big Data in Asset Management”.

The development of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technology in the recent years has on one hand created various investment opportunities for venture capital firms, more importantly,the technological evolvement has become an nonnegligible force which could potentially disrupt various business models of the financial markets. As a result, a growing number of market participants in the financial industry have started to roll out their strategy and implementation plan in this field by recruiting the talents with computer science and data analytics skills. Although it is still relatively early to observe any substantial contributions on revenue or profit generated by the big data technology, it is crucial for the large financial institutions to start early in order not to be disrupted in the future.

As the Chief Risk Officer and Head of Quantitative Research of Alliance Bernstein Group, Mr.Andrew Chin gave us a very systematic presentation on how the big data technology is changing the way of the global asset management and what the future opportunities and challenges are faced by the large financial institutions leveraging the big data. Mr. Andrew Chin has provided us with a very clear definition of the Big Data from four dimensions, namely volume of data, velocity to collect data, variety of data types and the truth or accuracy of data. The technological improvement of all four dimensions makes the big data much more relevant to the asset management industry of which various types o f asset owners select and incentivize different kind of asset managers to generate positive financial returns.First and foremost, big data could facilitate asset managers to optimize their investment decision process and enhance investment performance. For example, humongous amount of data from social media have been collected and analyzed by the investment professionals to identify early indicators which could provide insights on the result of major political and economic events such as Brexit, US election, and etc. The importance of social media data has almost surpassed that of the data from the main stream media in recent years. Data analytic techniques allow analysts to quantify traditionally qualitative factors such as opinions and behaviors, providing a new source of information for better investment decisions. However,there are still lots of noise in the data collected thus signals identified from such data tend to be short-lived. Going forward, new skillsets and tools for data analytics need to be further developed in order to create long-term benefits to the investment process.

Furthermore, big data could also be used by financial institutions to optimize sales productivity and client interactions. For example, browsing history could be collected and analyzed to enhance the customer profiling process so as to generate fine-tune message for a specific audience based on their needs and interests. However, privacy and confidentiality issues should not be ignored and it is still difficult for financial institutions to identify the effective right data to capture.

Big data and AI is one of the most important areas for my firm’s investment directions in the next few years and I appreciate the knowledge and insights shared by Mr. Andrew Chin over the presentation.

指导教授:Barry Ridings、Rob Symington
课程: Wall Street Trek



2、Wall Street Trek 感言
  作为清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA二期班(2016级)的学生,我有幸在为期2天的Wall Street Trek之中,向多位来自全球大型金融机构的高管人员及专业人士进行学习互动。鉴于个人之前的投资银行及资产管理工作经验,本次访学的多个课题均与我日常的工作内容高度相关。在众多研讨的课题之中,给我留下最深印象的无疑是Andrew Chin先生就“大数据技术在资产管理行业的应用”这一主题演讲。


  相对而言,Cornell Tech的MBA学生似乎更偏好直接的面对面互动。他们不介意激烈的讨论,更愿意头脑风暴,提出并升级创新性的建议。Cornell Tech的MBA学生表达更直接,愿意就其提议进行分享和辩论,共同寻求最佳的解决方案。即便可能产生直接的冲突或对抗,他们也会迎难而上,以解决问题为共同目标。对 Cornell Tech的MBA同学而言,如果他们的创新性提议被小组接受,他们内心会产生极大的成就感。有些Cornell Tech的MBA学生倾向于展示其强势或独断的解决问题的风格,而清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目的学生倾向于展示友好协作、避免冲突的风格。

  Andrew Chin先生作为Alliance Bernstein集团首席风险官及量化研究部门主管,就大数据技术将如何改变全球资产管理行业,以及大型全球金融机构在这一趋势下面临的机遇与挑战进行了深度阐述。首先,Andrew Chin先生从“数据规模”、“数据收集速度”、“数据多样性”及“数据准确度”这四个维度准确定义了“大数据”这一重要概念。得益于以上各个维度的科技发展,大数据技术近年来对资产管理行业产生了一系列切实影响。首先,大数据技术能够帮助资产管理公司优化其投资决策流程并提升投资回报。举例而言,近年来诸多资产管理机构对于英国脱欧、美国大选这类重大政治经济事件的分析已不仅仅局限于主流媒体信息,其通过大数据技术抓取并分析海量的社交网络信息,对行为及意见等定性因子进行量化分析,以识别具有指导意义的早期指标并辅助团队进行投资决策。除此之外,大数据技术对于资产管理机构的另一重要应用领域在于优化销售流程及提升用户体验。例如用户的网上浏览记录数据可被收集分析并帮助资产管理机构提高客户画像准确度,进而基于个人兴趣定制化不同客户的营销策略。

  然而大数据技术当前在具体应用领域,仍存在一定的局限性。其主要原因在于收集的数据仍存在较多噪音,且通过该等数据提炼出的因子有效周期相对短暂,与此同时,个人隐私及保密问题也限制了金融机构对于信息收集的范围及准确性。着眼未来,数据处理工具及技术的进一步提升将会使其在资产管理行业的应用进一步拓宽。大数据技术及人工智能也是我们未来数年关注的投资主题之一,非常感谢Andrew Chin先生就这一话题进行的深度分享。
