师者说2020|安德鲁•卡罗伊(Andrew Karolyi):两所杰出的大学共同携手辅以卓越的师资团队为项目学生创造了机会



Andrew Karolyi is Deputy Dean and College Dean for Academic Affairs at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. He is a professor of finance and holder of the Harold Bierman Jr. Distinguished Professorship in the College’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. He is also a professor of economics in Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences. Professor Karolyi is a scholar in the area of investment management with a specialization in the study of international financial markets. He has published extensively in journals in finance and economics, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics and Review of Financial Studies, and has published several books and monographs. His research is featured in print and electronic media, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Time, New York Times, Washington Post, Forbes, BusinessWeek, and CNBC. Karolyi recently completed a four-year term as executive editor of the Review of Financial Studies, one of the top-tier journals in finance. He has also served as an associate editor for a variety of journals, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Review of Finance and the Pacific Basin Finance Journal. He is a recipient of the Michael Jensen Prize for Corporate Finance and Organizations (2017), the Fama/DFA Prize for Capital Markets and Asset Pricing (2005), the William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Finance (2001), the Journal of Empirical Finance's Biennial Best Paper Prize (2006), and Johnson School's Prize for Excellence in Research (2010). He leads various executive education programs in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia, and is actively involved in consulting with corporations, banks, investment firms, stock exchanges, and law firms. He is president-elect/program chair of the Western Finance Association, has served as a director of the American Finance Association, and is past chairperson of the board of trustees and past president of the Financial Management Association International. Karolyi received his BA (Honors) in economics from McGill University and worked at the Bank of Canada for several years in its research department. He subsequently earned his MBA and PhD degrees in finance at the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago.

 师者说 | Andrew Karolyi

Two core values that I think are the most important,
are the fact that we are marrying two universities,
two fantastic phenomenon universities
with remarkable faculty members,
and creating an opportunity for the Cornell-Tsinghua FMBA students
that is unrivaled by any others,
and it gives them access to courses,
to teaching, to teaching methods.
That are remarkable.
It's just a rich set of opportunities for them.
The other core value added I think from the joint degree program
is the fact that the students,
when they join the program become part of an incredible network,
particularly in the financial services sector back home in China,
and for them this opportunity that is presented by this network
collaborate of collaborators present and future
makes for just a wonderful, wonderful program.
I love teaching the Cornell-Tsinghua FMBA students
and I’ve been doing it since the very beginning of the program.
It is an honor for me to be part of it
and I hope to continue for many years to come.
The dream for me is that they change their mindsets
to be leaders just in China and the China Setting,
to be leaders in the Global Setting.
We want to help them get there.

