我和我的康奈尔 | “康奈尔大学校史及校友资源简介”在线讲座圆满举行

      “双学位、双语言、双学校、双文化”,每一个进入清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目学习的同学都向往着中美两所顶尖名校带来的学术交融和精神洗礼。为了更深入了解学校历史及文化,10月22日,清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目2020级(Class of 2022)的学生特别邀请了康奈尔大学讲师,当地著名的遗产大使、汤普金斯郡历史中心的前任董事会主席Corey Earle先生,在线为同学们讲授了一场精彩的康奈尔历史文化讲座。这也标志着Class of 2022同学组织的“我和我的康奈尔”系列活动正式拉开序幕。
      Corey Earle先生的讲授风趣幽默、干货满满,从康奈尔两位传奇奠基人康奈尔Ezra Cornell和怀特Andrew Dickson White的故事开始,讲述了他们如何秉持超前的先进办学理念打造美国历史上第一所真正的全民大学,以及康奈尔大学在百余年前如何开放吸纳中国早期的优秀留学生,为中国近代科学发展奠定基础做出的卓越贡献。
      本次讲座,康奈尔大学的MBA校友、现校友事务发展部门助理总监Kasi Dean女士也受邀为同学们介绍了康奈尔丰富的校友资源。Kasi Dean女士谈到康奈尔在全球拥有超过34万人的庞大校友网络,鼓励同学们积极加入校友网络,参与校友活动,为更好的促进校友发展贡献力量。
It's a great honor to be part of the Cornell family. And thanks so much for sharing with us the history of Cornell University tonight. I felt sincerely welcomed and supported knowing that the school provides so many tools and facilities to enable us to be connected with all the 340,000 Cornellian around the world.
To me, personally, Cornell has always represented the American spirit. The motto and practice of any person can find instruction in any study really enable the melting pot of cultural works. I'm looking forward to hop on board on CUeLink and start up vulnerable talks that enables my acceleration of growth soon.
History is a guide to the present. In this 'Cornell History' seminar, what impressed me most was that Cornell was the first American university to accept female women and people of color I cannot even imagine what obstacles and judges the founders must have gone through to make all these things happen. Cornell was also the first US university to establish cooperation programs with China’s universities in Nanjing starting in 1925. As an alumnus from Nanjing University, I am thrilled to know about this historical bonding between Cornell and myself.
Diversity is embedded in Cornell’s motto and spirit, which in my perspective is more valuable than its excellent academic achievements. Though the trip to Cornell is postponed due to the pandemic, my desire to explore the campus is more than ever before. Sincerely looking forward to the day when we can finally arrive on campus and become a true Cornellian.
This online event organized by SC Johnson Business School provided us an excellent opportunity to learn more about the diversity and inclusion history about Cornell University during the past 155 years, especially the historical origin of academic exchange between two countries. The dedication of the two founders are the role model for my generation. As an FMBA student from Cornell-Tsinghua dual degree program, it means a lot to follow the direction of our predecessors and do more things that may help to contribute to society.
Besides, I am deeply impressed by the network of alumni clubs established by the college, there are more than 40+ Johnson clubs and 340,000+ SC Johnson Business School alumni around the world. As Associate Director of Alumni Affairs Kasi Dean said, we should learn to stay connected and networking through Johnson’s global alumni.
When I write these words, the flight to Beijing is climbing at this early morning, through the window of the plane, the sun gradually rising through the clouds, another thing gradually rising is my Ivy dream.
After listening to the history of Cornell’s establishment and development, as well as getting to know more about the various close ties between Cornell and China in the past 100 years, I am not only amazed at the school’s support to the contribution and help to the education of a generation of a series of masters in numerous areas, such as Hu Shi, Zhao Yuanren, Mao Yisheng and others, also impressed by the poetry and picturesqueness provided by the peaceful and beautiful Ithaca campus to ideologist and litterateur like Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin.
In addition, it is found that there are so many similarities between Cornell University and Tsinghua University. First of all, both universities have an inclusive academic philosophy. The foundation of Cornell University is the equal right of education. It was the first in the United States to implement the aristocratic status, and to create a new comprehensive university with complete disciplines and all-encompassing. This is consistent with Tsinghua's constant efforts to build a world-class comprehensive university. What’s more, Cornell is famous in the United States for offering all kinds of physical education classes that "name the one you want to have, Cornell has it all", which echoes with Tsinghua University across the Pacific Ocean.
When I saw the picture of the library of Cornell University, I was totally shocked by its amazing structure and peaceful atmosphere. I was wondering what if I could read in this magnificent palace. After several years working in asset management field, I am eager to acquire more knowledge systematically and create more value to make a better world, and I meet Cornell.
The pandemic has made this year anything but ordinary, but I believe we could move the barriers. Just as President Martha E. Pollack has delivered, “We look at whatever lies between our environments and our goals, between our situations and our aspirations, and we get to work mapping a path.” Cornell provides us not only excellent financial courses and academic resources, but also an extraordinary community full of energetic and an indomitable spirit. I really enjoy this journey with my talented and insightful classmates.

      “Any person, any study”。康奈尔大学经过155年的发展,其开放、自由、包容的精神不仅镌刻在常青藤掩映下的石刻上,还深深烙印在世界各地数十万校友同学的心坎里。此次讲座是金融MBA2020级同学了解康奈尔文化的“初体验”,未来,Class of 2022的同学们将在国内及纽约州伊萨卡小镇上组织丰富多彩的“我和我的康奈尔”系列主题活动,继续帮助同学们“走进康校生活、感悟康校文化”,共同见证清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目成长壮大的同时,做好中美学术文化传递交流的桥梁使者。
