20'毕业季 | 成长篇-黄匡熹:我们在这里找到彼此



​清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA2018级 黄匡熹
These days I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what the Tsinghua-Cornell FMBA Class of 2020 means for me. This is an attempt to capture a small part of its essence.
To begin with, this is the place where I found my story. At one point in school, probably on a night out with classmates and feeling both buzzed and reflective, I realized the program has allowed me to understand myself better than ever before. On one hand, I could now make sense of my past experiences, including what it means to grow up in two countries and to study economics in university, because these experiences were put to use during my time here. At the same time, the past two years often placed me in situations where I had to decide what is right and wrong, and these situations made me realize what my values are and what I really believed in. Over the two years, my values and past experiences came together to form a coherent story in my mind, convincing me of who I am now and what I want to become.

This is the place where I found my story
This is the place where I found common ground. The FMBA program is unique in the way it exposes its students to different environments and multitudes of situations. We had to fly back and forth between Beijing and New York, rotating between languages while faced with stressful academic challenges. Pulling all-nighters together in breakout rooms showed me that classmates from different backgrounds can find a lot in common with each other. (I also learned that professors and students can share a lot in common, when our class had dinner with a popular professor who taught us data analysis.) The program also taught me that people of different nations and cultures can share a lot in common too. Having experienced taking classes in China today and the U.S. two days later, we were able to compare the two countries side by side. My takeaway from this side by side comparison is that there are generally more similarities than differences between people in the world.

This is the place where I found common ground
Lastly, this is the place where I found you. I was given the chance to hold a review session for the microeconomics class in Ithaca. I was nervous beforehand. I recalled a professor saying it can be lonely to stand in front of the classroom by himself. Luckily, when I stood there, I wasn’t lonely at all. My classmates encouraged me, interacted with me, and gave me the powerful feeling that we were doing something together. That was when I knew without doubt that this group of eighty-three students is where I belong. During our two years together, we made heartfelt birthday videos for every single person in the class. We also had a not-so-heartfelt argument with the university athletic department when they tried to kick us off the basketball court. No matter what it was, what mattered was we did it together. I think being together for all these things created a special bond between us, because we know we have shared memories both unrepeatable and irreplaceable. One day not long before graduation, a classmate remarked that if he could go through these two years again, he would. I know I would too.

This is the place where we found each other
P.S. The teachers and professors have done so much for us these past two years. Thank you all deeply. To students in the future intakes, I hope you will find each other too.
